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Microsoft Windows Help File Content | 1998-09-24 | 7.2 KB | 164 lines |
- :Base odbcjet.hlp
- :Title ODBC Microsoft Desktop Database Drivers Help
- :Index ODBC Desktop Database Drivers Help=odbcjet.hlp
- 1 Overview (all users)
- 2 Overview=Overview>ref
- 2 What's New=WhatsNew>ref
- 2 Desktop Database Drivers Architecture=DesktopDatabaseDriversArchitecture>ref
- 2 Driver ISAM Files=DriverISAMs>ref
- 2 Hardware and Software Requirements=Requirements>ref
- 2 ODBC Component Files=ODBCComponentFiles>ref
- 2 Product Support=ProductSupport>ref
- 2 Setting Up Drivers=SettingUpDrivers>ref
- 1 Working with Data Sources (all users)
- 2 Adding a Data Source=AddingADataSource>ref
- 2 Data Source Conversion=DataSourceConversion>ref
- 2 Modifying a Data Source=ModifyingADataSource>ref
- 2 Deleting a Data Source=DeletingADataSource>ref
- 2 ODBC Setup Dialog Box
- 3 Approximate Row Count=ApproximateRowCount>ref
- 3 Buffer Size=BufferSize>ref
- 3 Collating Sequence=CollatingSequence>ref
- 3 Data Source Name=DataSourceName>ref
- 3 Database=Database>ref
- 3 Define Format=DefineFormat>ref
- 3 Description=Description>ref
- 3 Directory=Directory>ref
- 3 Encryption=Encryption>ref
- 3 Exclusive=Exclusive>ref
- 3 Extensions List=ExtensionsList>ref
- 3 Locale=Locale>ref
- 3 Page Timeout=PageTimeout>ref
- 3 Read Only=ReadOnly>ref
- 3 Rows to Scan=RowsToScan>ref
- 3 Select Directory=SelectDirectory>ref
- 3 Select Indexes=SelectIndexes>ref
- 3 Select Workbook=SelectWorkbook>ref
- 3 Show Deleted Rows=ShowDeletedRows>ref
- 3 System Database=SystemDatabase>ref
- 3 Use Current Directory=UseCurrentDirectory>ref
- 3 User Name=UserName>ref
- 3 Version=Version>ref
- 2 Text Format
- 3 Defining Text Format=TextFormat>ref
- 3 Schema.ini=SchemaIni>ref
- 3 Text File Format (Advanced)=TextFileFormatAdvanced>ref
- 2 Connection Issues
- 3 Password Entry=PasswordEntry>ref
- 3 Database Repair (Advanced)=DatabaseRepair>ref
- 3 Database Compaction (Advanced)=DatabaseCompaction>ref
- 3 Heterogeneous Joins/Attached Tables=HeterogeneousJoinsAttachedTables>ref
- 3 Opening Microsoft Excel Tables=OpeningMicrosoftExcelTables>ref
- 3 Password-Protected Files=PasswordProtectedFiles>ref
- 3 Referential Integrity=ReferentialIntegrity>ref
- 3 Failing after Repeated Connections=FailingAfterRepeatedConnections>ref
- 3 Lotus 123 Data/EMS Data=Lotus123DataEMSData>ref
- 3 Visual Basic Support=VisualBasicSupport>ref
- 1 User's Reference
- 2 Working with Data Sources Dynamically (advanced users)
- 3 SQLDriverConnect=SQLDriverConnect>ref
- 3 Connection Strings (Advanced)=ConnectString>ref
- 3 Adding, Modifying, or Deleting a Data Source Dynamically=AddingModifyingOrDeletingADataSourceDynamically>ref
- 3 SQLConfigDataSource=SQLConfigDataSource
- 2 SQL Issues (advanced users)
- 3 SQL92 Compliance (Advanced)=SQL92Compliance>ref
- 3 Additional Supported ODBC SQL Grammar=Add_Grammar>ref
- 3 Driver-Specific SQL Grammar
- 4 BETWEEN Predicate=BETWEENPredicate>ref
- 4 CREATE INDEX Statement=CREATEINDEXStatement>ref
- 4 Date Arithmetic=DateArithmetic>ref
- 4 Date, Time, and Timestamp Literals=DateTimeAndTimestampLiterals>ref
- 4 DROP INDEX Statement=DROPINDEXStatement>ref
- 4 Fixed-Width Text File=FixedWidthTextFile>ref
- 4 GROUP BY expression-list=GROUPBYExpressionList>ref
- 4 ORDER BY expression-list=ORDERBYExpressionList>ref
- 4 Outer Joins=OuterJoins>ref
- 4 Scalar Functions=ScalarFunctions>ref
- 4 Table Names=TableNames>ref
- 3 Limitations to SQL Grammar
- 4 Aggregate Function Limitations=AggregateFunctionsLimitations>ref
- 4 ALTER TABLE Statement Limitations=ALTERTABLEStatementLimitations>ref
- 4 AND Predicate Limitations=ANDPredicatesLimitations>ref
- 4 CALL Statement Limitations=CALLStatementLimitations>ref
- 4 Column Name Limitations=ColumnNameLimitations>ref
- 4 CONVERT Function Limitations=CONVERTFunctionLimitations>ref
- 4 CREATE INDEX Statement Limitations=CREATEINDEXStatementLimitations>ref
- 4 CREATE TABLE Statement Limitations=CREATETABLEStatementLimitations>ref
- 4 Date Arithmetic Limitations=DateArithmeticLimitations>ref
- 4 DELETE Statement Limitations=DELETEStatementLimitations>ref
- 4 DISTINCT Keyword Limitations=DISTINCTKeywordLimitations>ref
- 4 DROP INDEX Statement Limitations=DROPINDEXStatementLimitations
- 4 DROP TABLE Statement Limitations=DROPTABLEStatementLimitations>ref
- 4 FROM Clause Limitations=FROMClauseLimitations>ref
- 4 HAVING Clause Limitations=HAVINGClauseLimitations>ref
- 4 Identifiers Limitations=IdentifiersLimitations>ref
- 4 Index Name Limitations=IndexNameLimitations>ref
- 4 INSERT Statement Limitations=INSERTStatementLimitations>ref
- 4 LIKE Predicate Limitations=LIKEPredicateLimitations>ref
- 4 NOT NULL Limitations=NOTNULLLimitations>ref
- 4 ORDER BY Clause Limitations=ORDERBYClauseLimitations>ref
- 4 Parameterized Query Limitations=ParameterizedQueryLimitations>ref
- 4 Reserved Word Limitations=ReservedWordLimitations>ref
- 4 Scalar Function Limitations=ScalarFunctionLimitations>ref
- 4 SELECT DISTINCT Limitations=SELECTDISTINCTLimitations>ref
- 4 SELECT Statement Limitations=SELECTStatementLimitations>ref
- 4 Set Functions Limitations=SetFunctionsLimitations>ref
- 4 Sorting Limitations=SortingLimitations>ref
- 4 String Limitations=StringLimitations>ref
- 4 Table Name Limitations=TableNameLimitations>ref
- 4 Table References Limitations=TableReferencesLimitations>ref
- 4 UPDATE Statement Limitations=UPDATEStatementLimitations>ref
- 4 Views Limitations=ViewsLimitations>ref
- 4 WHERE Clause Limitations=WHEREClauseLimitations>ref
- 4 WHERE CURRENT OF Clause Limitations=WHERECURRENTOFClauseLimitations>ref
- 2 Data Types (advanced users)
- 3 Microsoft Access=AccessDataTypes>ref
- 3 dBASE=dBASEDataTypes>ref
- 3 Microsoft Excel=ExcelDataTypes>ref
- 3 Paradox=ParadoxDataTypes>ref
- 3 Text=TextDataTypes>ref
- 3 Data Type Limitations=DataTypeLimit>ref
- 2 Error Messages (advanced users)
- 3 Error Messages=Errors>ref
- 1 Programmer's Reference
- 2 SQLGetInfo Returned Values (programmers)
- 3 SQLGetInfo Returned Values=SQLGetInfoReturnValues>ref
- 2 ODBC API Functions (programmers)
- 3 Supported ODBC API Functions=SupportedODBCAPIFunctions>ref
- 3 SQLBindParameter=SQLBindParameter>ref
- 3 SQLColAttributes=SQLColAttributes>ref
- 3 SQLColumns=SQLColumns>ref
- 3 SQLConfigDataSource=SQLConfigDataSource>ref
- 3 SQLGetCursorName=SQLGetCursorName>ref
- 3 SQLGetData=SQLGetData>ref
- 3 SQLGetInfo=SQLGetInfo>ref
- 3 SQLGetStmtOption=SQLGetStmtOption>ref
- 3 SQLGetTypeInfo=SQLGetTypeInfo>ref
- 3 SQLMoreResults=SQLMoreResults>ref
- 3 SQLPrepare=SQLPrepare>ref
- 3 SQLProcedureColumns=SQLProcedureColumns>ref
- 3 SQLProcedures=SQLProcedures>ref
- 3 SQLSetConnectOption=SQLSetConnectOption>ref
- 3 SQLSetCursorName=SQLSetCursorName>ref
- 3 SQLSetPos=SQLSetPos>ref
- 3 SQLSetScrollOptions=SQLSetScrollOptions>ref
- 3 SQLSetStmtOption=SQLSetStmtOption>ref
- 3 SQLSpecialColumns=SQLSpecialColumns>ref
- 3 SQLStatistics=SQLStatistics>ref
- 3 SQLTables=SQLTables>ref
- 3 SQLTransact=SQLTransact>ref
- 2 Implementation Issues (programmers)
- 3 Arithmetic Errors=ArithmeticErrors>ref
- 3 Base Address of Drivers=BaseAddressOfDrivers>ref
- 3 Creating and Opening Tables=CreatingAndOpeningTables>ref
- 3 Compatibility=Compatibility>ref
- 3 Descriptors=Descriptors>ref
- 3 Diagnostics=Diagnostics>ref
- 3 Functions Accepting String Parameters=Functions_Accepting_String_Parameters>ref
- 3 Multiple hstmts=MultipleHstmts>ref
- 3 Performance Issues=Performance_Issues>ref
- 3 Read-Only Status=ReadOnlyStatus>ref
- 3 Setup DLL=SetupDLL>ref
- 3 Translation DLLs=TranslationDLLs>ref